Order Processing and Shipping

  • Orders are shipped through registered domestic courier companies and/or speed post only.
  • Orders are shipped within 10 days from the date of the order and/or payment, or as per the delivery date agreed upon at the time of order confirmation.
  • Delivery timelines are subject to courier company/post office norms.

Delivery Address

  • Delivery of all orders will be made to the address provided by the buyer at the time of purchase.
  • Please ensure that the shipping address is correct and complete to avoid delays or returns.

Delivery Confirmation

  • Delivery of our services will be confirmed via the email ID specified at the time of registration.
  • You will receive an email notification once your order has been shipped, including tracking details if available.

Shipping Costs

  • If there are any shipping costs levied by the seller or Sognova, these costs are non-refundable.
  • Any applicable shipping charges will be clearly indicated at checkout.

Responsibility and Liability

  • Sognova shall not be liable for any delay in delivery caused by the courier company or postal authority.
  • We are not responsible for any lost or damaged packages during transit; however, we will assist you in filing a claim with the courier company if necessary.

For any questions or concerns regarding shipping, please contact our customer service team at info@i3ror.com (OR) hello@i3ror.com

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